U.S. Army

Army of the James



5th Massachusetts Cavalry (Colored) - Colonel Charles F. Adams, Jr.

Twenty-Fifth Corps

First Division

1st Brigade - Brevet Brigadier General Alonzo G. Draper

22nd U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Ira C. Terry

36th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin F. Pratt

38th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Robert M. Hall

118th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel John C. Moon

2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Edward A. Wild

29th Connecticut Infantry (Colored) - Colonel William B. Wooster

9th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Thomas Bayley

115th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Robert H. Earnest

Detached from First Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-Fifth Corps

117th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Lewis G. Brown

3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Henry Thomas

19th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Joseph G. Perkins

23rd U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Marshall L. Dempcy

43rd U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Stephen B. Yeoman

114th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Thomas D. Sedgwick

Attached Brigade - Brevet Brigadier General Charles S. Russell

10th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Edward H. Powell

28th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Logan


2nd U.S. Colored Cavalry - Colonel George W. Cole

Second Division

1st Brigade - Colonel James Shaw, Jr.

7th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel Oscar E. Pratt

109th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Orion A. Bartholomew

116th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel George H. Laird

2nd Brigade - Colonel Ulysses Doubleday

8th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Samuel C. Armstrong

41st U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Llewellyn F. Haskell

45th U.S. Colored Troops - Major Theodore C. Glazier

127th U.S. Colored Troops - Lieutenant Colonel James Givin

3rd Brigade - Colonel William W. Woodward

29th U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Clark E. Royce

31st U.S. Colored Troops - Colonel Henry C. Ward

Defenses of Bermuda Hundred

Separate Brigade

Harrison's Landing, Virginia - Colonel Wardwell G. Robinson

1st U.S. Colored Cavalry, Company I - Lieutenant Horace Hudson

Fort Powhatan, Virginia - Colonel William J. Sewell

1st U.S. Colored Cavalry, Company E - Captain Charles W. Emerson

Soldier Stories & Vignettes


U.S. Regulars